Saturday, September 18, 2010

My life...

has been pretty dramatic lately. My poor baby has been a very sick little guy. It started with an ear infection and croup, then towards the end of his antibiotic he developed a horrible rash. I took him to the doctor and they didn't know what it was but they told me to watch him for swelling in the face and just give him Benadryl every 6 hours. Well, about 1 am in the morning his face started swelling, so we rushed him to the ER. Turns out they had to give him a very large dose of steroids and sent us on our way. Chase made quite an impression on the nurses and they were scouring the ER for presents for him. He ended up getting a stuffed unicorn and several stickers. It was cute. Today he is doing much better, and the rash seems to be letting up! So that makes me feel much better, even though I am thoroughly exhausted.

My hubby went to the OU vs Airforce game with my dad today. My dad got 50 yd line tickets from someone he works with and full passes to the tailgating party with all you can eat food. I am sure they are having a great time!  I went to a craft show today that was in the community center behind my house. It kinda stinks because craft shows aren't craft shows anymore. They have turned into several booths of stuff like Homeade Gourmet, scrap booking parties, Mische Purses, and Tupperware. What is crafty about that??? Okay, maybe the scrap booking is a little crafty but not what I want to see. I want to see hot glued knicknacks,  homeade cupcakes and brownies, and hand painted fall signs. Maybe I should have a booth somewhere. I think when my kids are a little older I will. Right now, there is not enough time.

I am a little lonely. Jonathan is in school 3 nights a week and so it's hard with him being gone all day on a weekend.

How's my 90 day challenge? My exercise has been lacking because of the sick kids, but I have lost 2 more lbs. Making my total weight loss at 7 lbs right now. I am 10 lbs away from my pre-pregnancy weight with Chase and I will pretty happy with that!!  I sold my double jogger a few weeks ago b/c it was too hard for  me to push with both kids in it. But today I was able to get a great deal on a single stroller. It's an Eddie Bauer! So I can resume my jogging while Chantry rides his bike and it will be much easier on my back! Yay me!

Well, I guess that about wraps it up, hope everyone has a happy Saturday!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

I spoke too soon...

I only thought today would be better. If you refer to my previous post, yesterday was pretty rough and I was claiming "Tomorrow will be better!!!". chuckle chuckle.
Turns out, we had to take my husband and my baby to Urgent Care and baby has ear infection and croup, and husband has bronchitis. They are both on steroids and antibiotics. Well, I am glad we know whats wrong now and....


I don't have much on my schedule for the rest of the week. Our church is having Purpose Institute this Friday and Saturday, so that frees up my weekend since that is one thing that I am not involved in. The Bluegrass Chili Festival is going on in Claremore and I would sorta like to go...I just don't know if I can con someone into going with me. I guess we will see who is feeling better.

Anywho- I hope everyone out in "blogville" is doing okay. Happy travels!

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Standing in line for a lobotomy

Do I really need to say more?? Homeschooling is not easy. Especially with a teething 15 month old, who woke up about every hour the night before running a fever and apparently in much pain. I feel so bad for my little guy...I am at my wits end, because I am out of ideas on how to help him. Right now he is pretty content, eating some chicken noodle soup and trying his best to mash every possible key on my laptop.
So I am not sure how much Chantry learned today in the midst of my near nervous breakdown and the constant screaming from his little brother..

Tomorrow will be better!

On a side note, my 90 day challenge is proving to be just that. I did really good last week and I had a 5 lb lose!! I have never ever ever lost that much in a week, so I am super excited about it. Yesterday was pretty rough at mom's house for labor day. My mother is the world's best cook. I lie not. She had the most beautiful apple cobbler on her stove yesterday that was quite irresistible. I "snuck" a few bites and I could have easily inhaled the whole thing. But I refrained. So here's to another week of hardcore exercise and portion control!
Oh look, he's cute even when he's crying!