Wednesday, December 29, 2010


Ode to the teeth in the back of my head
If you didn't come out soon, I'd surely be dead
Why God made you, I might never know
The pain you have brought me, brings me so low
I have dreaded this day for so very long
I'm wishing someone would sing me a song
I have arrived at the dentist just now
So now as I leave the car, take your last bow
Till we meet again little teeth, after I'm dead
I will miss you as much as a hole in my head.

Monday, December 20, 2010

okay, OKay!

So I know everyone is absolutely dying to hear how my 90 day challenge turned out...ha! The 90 days actually turned into 30 days...I will explain.

I started off hardcore. Did awesome. Then we moved in with my in-laws. Challenge eradicated.

I lost around 12 lbs in that 30 days though, so it's all good! I have managed somewhat to keep it off in spite of living with the MIL and sharing cooking responsibilities with her. That brings my total weight loss for the year to 26 lbs. So I am pretty happy with that. The holidays are killing me right now, so hopefully I will get re-motivated after that.

Somewhere in those sentences I guess you caught that I am living with my in-laws. ha! That is what inspired me to change the name of my blog. Right now I have no "place of my own". It's rather crowded here in the Pastel Palace. I am thankful that I have a good relationship with "law" around here.  Hopefully in about 3 months we will buy a house again and things will be peachy again.

Peace on Earth!

Sunday, December 19, 2010

I really do blog...

just in my head. I write some killer blogs, but usually its when I'm nowhere near a computer. By the time I log on, I have already forgotten all my clever thoughts that I wanted to share. So know my blogger friends, that I do think of you. I hope you are having a wonderful holiday season...I promise I will stay in touch!