Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Numb (not so much)

My tooth is gone. Come to find out my insurance doesn't cover oral surgery for impacted wisdom teeth. What the heck??? It would have cost me 1400 bucks!! So instead I went to my dentist and he cut and pried the one that had given me so much  pain out today. It cost me 14 dollars...what a steal. For that price I might have all my teeth removed. Yeah...right. It was a pretty horrific experience for me but now I am on the road to recovery and I'm looking on the bright side, which is, I HAVE TO HAVE THIS DONE 3 MORE TIMES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Why do we even have wisdom teeth??? This is a question I am adding to my list to present to God when I get to heaven. Anyway, I did ask to see the tooth before I walked out of the dentist today. I am such a creep, but for some reason things like this fascinate me, even when I am numb and drooling with a mouth full of gauze. I can't help it...it's a sickness. One day I spent all afternoon, googling "Alli before and after" and laughed my butt off. NEVER FART. EVER. hahahhaha!!! Okay, obviously the Lortabs have taken control of my mind and this post is going downhill fast. Better stop before I start confessing on here.....

Friday, April 2, 2010

A Less-Gory Post

"Brother-Please can I have a lick??"

I love these pictures of the boys. Chantry had one of those Ring Pops and was kind enough to share it with his eager baby brother...aww!!

Happy Easter, my jaw hurts...

This weekend is the big sha-bang Easter drama I "wrote"....so far I would categorize it as being a complete flop/disaster but Sunday will really show. I told my friend I might be sneaking out the back. Anyway, I have needed to get my wisdom teeth removed for quite sometime now and unfortunately I put it off way too long and off all the weekends for this to happen, my putting off has come back to haunt me. My entire jaw is swollen and throbbing. I was on the verge tonight of letting Jonathan cut them out for me, but decided that I probably don't want to be on the front page tomorrow..."Broken Arrow Woman Dies From Shock After Having Husband Remove Wisdom Teeth...see page 19 for details". My dentist called me in a prescription for antibiotics today, so hopefully they will kick in SOON and relieve me of some of this agony. I am scheduled to have them removed next Tuesday- by an oral surgeon, I might add. So I will let you know how the Easter drama turns out...I know I will get the drama part right but hopefully it will turn out okay. After the last practice, it looks kinda doubtful. Who knows, maybe Sunday I will be excommunicated for ruining Easter for the saints...PRAY, CHURCH, PRAY!!!

                                                Something I will be doing in 4 days....
                        (p.s. it's never a good idea to google "wisdom teeth removal" images right  before you are going in- suddenly my jaw is feeling much better)