Monday, August 30, 2010

Let the countdown begin....Day 1 of 90

Okay, unfortunately I did not hop out of bed and do 8 laps around the house, followed up by 100 sit ups. I actually drug myself out of bed and practically had to peel my eyes open, without any motivation at all to begin my vigorous exercise!!! Ha!

Now that I am fully awake dressed, beds are made, schooling is done, lunch is over....I am feeling it!!! I am ready to hit the pavement...

Today I plan to start Week 3 of Couch to 5k....and to follow it up with a Jillian Michaels killer workout video.....let's hope I survive!!

Sunday, August 29, 2010


Yes, I have invested 2 hours and went without my Sunday afternoon nap, to try to update my blog's looks. I am fixing to launch myself into a 90 day challenge and I wanted to blog about it, but I wanted to make my blog prettier before I started!!!

What is this 90 Day Challenge???

Patience,  my faithful readers, I will tell you now!

Tomorrow is exactly 90 days until Thanksgiving!!! When I think of fall and thanksgiving and Christmas, I automatically thing FOOD!! Well, I have been on and off dieting this entire year and I am sick of it! Thus far this year, I have lost 15 lbs, and I keep losing and regaining the same 4 lbs. Soooo, here goes the deal. I am doing a 90 day bust my butt off challenge...I am going to make sure I exercise every single day, and I don't just mean a walk around the block, I am gonna make myself sweat like never before...and also I am going to make sure I am eating extremely healthy and careful. I usually follow Weight Watchers when I am dieting but I never seem to get the diet AND exercise together. I am going to do my best to post often of my progress, and feel free to gripe, encourage, or JOIN me on my journey!!

Thank you!!!

Tuesday, August 24, 2010


Chase and his "paci"
Chantry- 1st day of school
My hero husband, wearing his Robinson Crusoe pants while working on his car.

Summer Happenings!

It's been quite awhile since I have updated-again!! Sorry, I have been incredibly busy. July was not a good month. At the end of July, I took my Sr Quiz team to Nationals in St.Louis, and all in all it was a good trip. We didn't win, which was very disappointing, but we had a good time.
I started homeschooling Chantry last Monday. I have actually been teaching him for a couple of years, but it's now officially official. ha ha. The curriculum that I planned on using, was much to easy for him, so for now I am just doing what I was doing before. I am going to switch him to another curriculum but I am not sure what "brand" yet. He is so smart and I am so proud of him. He is ready to read so I am really working with him in this area. Yesterday, he started learning how to "add" and what the "plus sign" meant (which is first grade work, but he quickly picked it up)!!

I had mixed emotions last week when he started. I cannot believe that my baby boy is so big already! It seems like yesterday that he was born and I was bringing him home. Another part of me is/was worried I wouldn't be a good teacher for him, or that he would be missing out on something by not actually going to school. I keep telling myself that I am doing a good job because he is already ahead, and this is the best thing I can do for him. I have my associates degree in Elementary Education, so I figure I am pretty prepared for this. Just say a prayer for him and me that we will do good together!

Chase is getting so big and ornery! I am trying a "paci-removal" this week and only letting him have it at naptimes and nighttime. Hopefully I will survive the week. He has gotten way to attached to that piece of plastic and has started trying to talk with it in his mouth (major pet-peeve).

Today, we are getting some relief from the scorching weather. Fall is just around the corner! I am so excited! I have many plans for my boys when the cooler weather sets in!

Have a fan-tabulous day!!